Academic Planning

Pursue your passion and get ahead of the competition by building a unique portfolio of professional experience that will propel your career. Whether you are interested in graduate school, attaining a position in industry, or would like to pursue an opportunity in the healthcare field, the robust academic experience that The Arch offers will lead you in the right direction while formulating a strategic plan of study to accomplish your goals.  Contact your School's advising hub to review your plan of study.

Academic Plan of Study

  • Four years to graduation (except for students in the five-year Bachelor of Architecture Program)
  • Eight semesters of instruction
  • Eight semesters of financial aid   

(This is a general academic overview and may vary based on academic curriculum)

*On-campus housing required during Arch summer term 
**Juniors must participate in a Fall or Spring semester-away experience following The Arch Summer Semester.



Summer or

Early Arch Summer*



Arch Summer*


Semester Away**

Semester Away**







School Advising Hubs

Students can view their recommended curriculum and timeline for completion by visiting the Rensselaer Catalog associated with the year they entered Rensselaer and their major.

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